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Flutter vs. React Native: Which Framework Should You Use?

Currently, there are over nine million mobile apps are available. This implies that there are also a lot more competition for developers. Wouldn’t it be great to build an app faster? Think of the savings in time and money! It may seem impossible, but it’s very possible.


Cross-platform programming frameworks can help you accomplish these objectives. The Flutter and React Native frameworks are now the most popular choices. But how do you choose? There is no one-size-fits-all structure. An idea may not work for another business or project that worked for you. It all depends on your preferences and application.

A well-informed choice is the best choice. Both frameworks have advantages and disadvantages that company executives and developers should be aware of. Continue reading to compare Flutter with React Native.


Flutter is a lightweight user interface (UI). It’s a complete software development kit (SDK) with its tools and widgets. Flutter allows iOS, Android, and desktop app creation. Developers can quickly build natively-compiled mobile apps with a single code and publish them. Flutter is open source. Flutter’s code is Dart-based. Dart is a new object-oriented programming language. Dart is simple to learn for most developers.

Who Made Flutter?

A Google team created Flutter. Many analysts think Flutter will become one of the most popular app development choices if Google endorses it. Despite its novelty, Flutter is now a top option.

Which Mobile Apps Have Been Created Using Flutter?

Several prominent apps use the Flutter framework. Among them are Google Ads, eBay, and Alibaba.

What Exactly Is React Native?

React Native is an accessible framework that enables code reuse between mobile platforms like Android, iOS, and desktops. Prototyping with React Native is straightforward, as is debugging and issue resolution.

The React Native framework uses the popular programming language JavaScript. Its architecture is comparable to Flutter’s, and the components required to build applications are similar to Flutter’s widgets. React Native is a more developed framework due to its age. This gives React Native more time to make a developer community.

Who Created React Native?

A Facebook team created React Native in the summer of 2013. It came out in March or April 2015. 

What Apps Have Been Created Using React Native?

Many prominent mobile apps get created using React Native. This framework gets used to build applications like Facebook, Instagram, and Discord. Others include Walmart, Wix, Pinterest, and UberEats.

The contrast of Flutter versus React Native

To properly compare Flutter and React Native, you must first understand their benefits and drawbacks. The main advantages and disadvantages of each program are detailed below.

Benefits of Flutter

Flutter has a “hot reload” functionality, less testing, and quicker apps than React Native. Detailed explanations follow.

  1. Hot Reload

Using this built-in functionality, app developers can make adjustments as required. The modifications are instantly visible in the application. “Hot Reload” enables app developers to repair bugs and try new ideas quickly.

2. Less Testing

Iteration testing gets minimized since Flutter utilizes the same code for both Android and iOS. This speeds up the QA process.

3. Quicker Apps

Flutter-based apps run smoothly and fast. Flutter utilizes the Skia Graphics Library, which puts most of the work on the GPU. No more hanging device scrolling.

4. More Eye-Catching

Flutter is renowned for its attention to detail and aesthetic appeal. This is because Flutter utilises built-in widgets rather than native system components. Developers may use custom or pre-built widgets.

5. More Help

Compared to React Native, the Flutter framework is regarded as having more significant support. Users can receive help anytime they need it, something other frameworks lack.

Cons of Flutter

A few downsides to using the Flutter framework include a smaller community and a more extensive code. Detailed explanations follow.

1. A Smaller Developer Community

Flutter’s development community is far smaller than React Native’s. However, 61 percent of developers said they’d consider adopting Flutter. Sadly, Dart doesn’t get as extensively used as JavaScript, contributing to Flutter’s tiny community. 

2. Keep Up with Large Code

A Flutter app has a lot more code than a React Native app. While developers strive to decrease code size, it may be challenging to maintain for smaller teams.

Advantages of React Native

Using React Native has several advantages. It utilizes JavaScript, gives greater programming flexibility, and has a big developer community. Each of these benefits gets discussed in more detail below.

1. Use JavaScript

The React Native framework uses JavaScript, a widely-used programming language. So it’s already known (and fluent) to many coders. Unlike Flutter, there won’t be a steep learning curve. TypeScript is a JavaScript language used to build React Native. This is significant for developers who prefer statically typed languages.

2. Less Structural Constraint

Incorporating React Native into app development is easy. Developers may utilize their UI library. They may even write their own if they want. This flexibility allows you to build an app precisely as you want it. A more outstanding design and use flexibility are essential for individuals with unique app ideas.

3. Large, Active Developer Community

The React Native developer community is vast and vibrant. This community produces many tutorials and libraries meaning anyone interested in learning about React Native can readily access this material. It’s ideal for newbies or developers looking to improve their skills. With one of the most significant clusters of materials, tools, and publications, the possibilities are endless.

React Native Drawbacks

Using React Native has several drawbacks, such as not being native and having numerous abandoned packages. Detailed explanations follow.

1. It Isn’t Native

This framework’s name is deceptive since it isn’t native programming. No cross-platform solution can match native applications’ user experience and performance. Compared to the Flutter framework, React Native comes much closer to recreating the native experience.

2. Abandoned Packages

While React Native has an extensive library, it doesn’t get maintained and kept up to date. Many packages are poorly conceived or abandoned. This isn’t very pleasant when using a UI library.

3. v1 is not out yet

Its lack of v1 release raises concerns about stability and extensibility.

Selecting Between the Two

The question becomes, how do you pick between Flutter and React Native? Each circumstance necessitates a different approach. Ask yourself the questions below to choose your ideal framework.

Do You Know JavaScript?

If you already know JavaScript, React Native is the better option. This way, you won’t need to learn a new programming language. This makes getting started much more accessible.

Do You Value Framework Maturity?

For some developers, framework maturity means dependability. In this situation, React Native is the ideal option. React Native is older than Flutter.

Do You Need Easy Learning?

If you don’t know either programming language well, go with the most straightforward choice. To learn Dart, you don’t need to know JavaScript.

Do You Need a Big UI Library for Development?

React Native is the clear winner when it comes to a rich user interface library accessible throughout development. Their UI library is unmatched.

Is Speed Vital to Your App?

Is speed one of the essential elements of your future mobile apps? If so, go with Flutter. Flutter apps are quicker than React Native apps.

Do You Want the Fastest Bug Fixing Framework?

While both frameworks are easy to resolve problems, Flutter is simpler. If this is crucial to you, Flutter is the best option.

Want Easy Code Upkeep?

Moving ahead, it may be essential to keep your code basic. This is crucial for small businesses. If this is the case, React Native is the best option.

Does Your App Rely on Visuals?

Some mobile apps depend on graphics more than others. If this is the case, Flutter is the clear winner. The Flutter framework excels in rendering visuals and visual elements.

Want Unparalleled Support?

Flutter wins hands down if continuous support is essential. Support is a weakness of React Native, while Flutter excels.

Doubts About Flutter vs. React Native

Flutter and React Native are comparable frameworks with subtle variations that matter. Your circumstances and preferences will determine your project’s structure. The following data may help you make an educated choice.

Contact one of our Appy Studio app specialists to help you with the choices – otherwise leave it to us, and we’ll develop it for you.

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